Motorbike adventures … blockbuster movies … the odd West End musical … a happy family life … Ewan McGregor succeeds effortlessly where other actors struggle. So what’s next for the man who has it all? Nick Duerden finds outPublished: 04 March 2006The moustache is unexpected, but then moustaches so often are. This one is blonde and thick as a brush and looks as if it may be concealing a rather stiff upper lip. “It’s for a film, Beatrix Potter [with Ren?e Zellweger],” says Ewan McGregor, fingering the ‘tache self-consciously; indeed, the beard that has come to define him of late only came off after our photographer’s visit. “It’s rather fetching, isn’t it? But it is only temporary, as I’ve a feeling it adds years to me. So once the film is done, that’s it, it goes.”Source: The Independent
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