New look

Thanks to my lovely friend Annie we have a brand new layout! It was about time we changed the previous one even though we both loved it! 🙂

We hope you’ll all like the new look as much as we do! 😉

8 Comments on “New look”

  1. Could you reset my login/ I am getting a circular “you are already logged in” Then anywhere I try to go including “continue” I am sent back to the login page. thank you!

  2. Wow! its a grand new layout dis one! my congrats to Anna! 🙂
    and congrats for havin dis website as well..
    take care!

  3. Wow! I’ve been coming here forever and I LOVE the new layout!!! 5 Kudos -thanks for keeping this site going and the new pictures of Ewan are GREAT!

  4. It’s great to be able to comment once again.
    I love the new layout. It is beautiful…Ewan is beautiful!!!!
    Thanks so much!

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