Ewan and Charley

New photoshoot added. Taken on February 13, 2004 in Wales. Unfortunately there’s only one picture but I love it! 😉


Wishing you the best at the holidays and always.Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Good Kwanzaa!!!

“Stay” captures and stills

Guess what?! I’ve managed to get a promotional DVD of “Stay” this Thursday. As I had already seen it last October, I’ve kept myself busy making 482 screen captures for our viewing pleasure. :tongue:Please have in mind that screen captures may contain huge spoilers if you haven’t seen this film before but intend to, especially because it’s a thriller! :wink:PS: The US DVD release of “Stay” is scheduled for February 14, 2006. EDIT: I’ve also added 11 new stills.

Media section

All questions, doubts, suggestions, etc, concerning the media section should be sent to Mary – mary (at) ewanmcgregor (dot) net – not to myself. She’s the one installing the new script. Please have in mind that she’s currently in Mexico for the holidays and will only be back and able to answer your emails next month. So please be patient! 🙂

Ewan McGregor Wants World To Unite Against AIDS

Ewan McGregor made a desperate plea on behalf of Africa’s AIDS orphans following a five-day trip to Malawi. The actor, an ambassador for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), urged world leaders and the public to unite to reach the millions of children orphaned by the epidemic.He says, “Children in Malawi are facing uncertain futures. Their mothers and fathers, teachers, aunts, uncles, doctors and nurses are simply dying around them because of AIDS. They are left alone, forced to grow up too fast, robbed of their childhoods and missing out on the play, love and education they need. Though many are being reached through the UNICEF projects I saw during my trip, we need to urgently reach the ones who are still all alone.”UNICEF is calling on everyone – world leaders, governments, corporations and the general public – to unite in action against AIDS and put children at the center of the global response.” Source: Starpulse.comPictures from Ewan’s trip to Malawi can be found here.